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I am a geek through and through.  I have a love of astronomy, math, mecha, anime, video games, and photography and I look for opportunities where all those intersect.  It wasn’t until 2012 that I attended Phoenix Comicon (now Phoenix Comic Fest) for the first time with my son Jack.  I was hooked!  Never before had I been to a place where people were accepted for who they are or wanted to be.  A place where everyone seemed to be excited and happy. Since then I have attended every PHXCC with my wife and son, taking pictures of cosplayers and events.

Outside of the con I enjoy outdoor photography and a bit of astrophotography.  I have the good fortune of being able to travel the world in my spare time with Jennifer, my best friend, wife, and partner in crime.

Professionally I still have not figured out what I want to do when I grow up.  I have been a helicopter pilot, short order cook, aircraft mechanic (A&P), electrical engineer, and now work for a local electric utility.

I graduated from ASU in 2011 with a BSE in Electrical Engineering and received my MBA from Ball State University in 2014.

I hope you enjoy the pictures that I have taken.  The real stars in most of these are the cosplayers, wonderfully talented and imaginative individuals.  If you recognize yourself in any of the photographs shoot me an e-mail so I can add you to the photo description and cosplayer credits.

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